Saturday, September 10, 2011

My Visit to Maine

I got to meet Marg & Lucy & Remy!
Mommy, Daddy, and I went to Maine--a place that Mommy says is in our blood--in July.  I had a great visit withYana & Talya & Abby & Olie,  Nana & Grampy Bill, Pop & Lala, Seal & Shawn & Maesa, Margaret & Lucy & Remy & Osar, and many more of our friends!  I swam in rivers, lakes, and oceans.  I ate solid food for the first time. I breathed the fresh air (and the not-so-fresh air on Upper St.). I saw the clear sky. And I loved every minute of Maine. Here are just a few photos of our trip.
I liked rolling over on Yana & Talya's bed!

Nana and I had fun at the beach!

"Nana, was that really Mommy's bathing suit?"

Lucy is a big girl now!

This sums up  my trip: I LOVED Maine!

Hiking with Auntie Seal, Shawn & Maesa was hard work!

Swimming in the Carrabassett River.

Napping with Daddy.

Swimming in the Atlantic. Brrr!

Chillin'. Quite the outfit, eh?
I needed to rest once I got home!
Uncle ZBone and I hung out in Maine, but he wouldn't share his Gritty's with me!
Seadogs- that's right!

Yup. The beach is FUN.

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