Saturday, January 5, 2013

We've moved for 2013... well and Cas

Happy New Year! 

As I'm sure you've noticed the long hiatus in the blog posts and that is because we have a new team member who also wants to be recognized in the blog.  

Castilleja Riley was born on the blue moon of August 2012.  She is healthy and happy - babbling away already.  

Please migrate over to our new blog: - where you can subscribe to new posts using the RSS feed function or click so you get an email when a new post is published by clicking "follow blog via email" on the right side bar.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

A Few May Antics

Lately I have been on lots of adventures...swimming in a lake with Mommy's students, eating sweet snap peas, walking down the block alone, and much more. 

I realized how much fun it is to draw with chalk. Also, I walk Roxy by myself and frequently try to put her leash on while we are both inside.  Here is some funny documentation of these days in May...
This bathing suit used to be Arnica's!

I love the water!
"Look at the bird!"
"Woxy, wanna walk?"

Friday, June 1, 2012

Have chalk? Will walk!

I love my new chalk and love being mobile with it even more.  Check me out a few Sundays ago.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

New Bike Helmet!

Daddy bought me a bike helmet all of my own! It is still a little big, but I like wearing it in the house (see? I was moving so it is a blurry photo) AND while in our bike trailer. 

My First Social Justice March

On April 29 I went to the March Against Genocide with Mommy and some Lighthouse students.  It was so much fun because I got to be outside for hours.  Mommy said it is important to "walk the talk"--whatever that means. Here I am with Mommy's friend Sarah and with Mommy listening to a speaker from Sudan. 

Cracker Face!

Earlier in May (May 13 to be exact) I learned that I can walk around with snacks in my mouth.  It's SO fun!  Mommy and Daddy don't let me do this anymore, but on this day--the first day I learned this trick--Mommy caught it on camera!

Summer on May 11: Backyard Bucket Swimming

"Gonna trust you, Mommy..."

It was hot on May 11 so I went swimming.  I was tentative at first, then I decided to sit down and play in my little pool.  I also made up a game called "Eat my Three Rocks."  (See video for more info.)  I had fun in my bucket for almost an hour!