Monday, December 12, 2011

I Went to Montana for Thanksgiving!

Mommy & Daddy and I had a great time in Montana for Thanksgiving.  I played with Devin and Arnica for hours. When they weren't making me laugh, I was cuddling with Auntie Sandy or helping Uncle Marty.  Here are just a few photos of our week.  Mommy says she will post more in a day or two. 

Saturday, October 29, 2011

My First Autumn: A Few Months of Fun

Since Mommy went back to school she has been on a different kind of schedule.  We still have lots of fun every day, but Mommy has been a bit behind on my blog. Here is a slew of photos to catch you up on the past six or seven weeks.  They include me and my turtle at 6 months & 7 months, my first trip to Yosemite, time outside, and a few random photo sessions with Daddy.  As you can see, I am very good at sitting up with perfect posture. I am also eating all sorts of food and rolling over and over.  I feel great learning so many new things!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Five Months Old...

... and loving it ! Here are a few recent shots of me exploring my world.
Happy to be me!
Yummmmmmmm. Peaches!

"Woah, Daddy, you caught me taking my toes out of my mouth!"
Note the retro socks as I eat my favorite bug.

Bath time with Daddy.  (Auntie Ariel & Uncle Moe gave me my ducky on the first day I was born. We are the same age!)

Reading is more fun if you kick as you turn the page. Yippee!